Insight Project Controls


Seagull & Murlach

Project Status: Ongoing

Project Overview: The Seagull Oil Field is a high pressure, high-temperature oil field situated 300km east of offshore Aberdeen in the UK North Sea. It is being developed through four production wells drilled from a new four-slot manifold with a 17km-long control umbilical from the ETAP platform. A new 5km subsea pipeline will be installed to transport the produced fluids, the new pipeline will run from the field manifold to the existing Heron pipeline system through a tie-in skid at the Egret manifold. The Heron pipeline system and riser will then transport the produced fluids to the ETAP CPF. Wood are responsible for the FEED through EPC for modifications to the ETAP CPF for receiving the Seagull subsea tie-back.

Role: Senior Planning Engineer contracted to Wood. The role involves developing and maintaining the multi-discipline programme ahead of upcoming offshore works, ensuring timescales for design, procurement, construction and commissioning are adhered to.


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Seagull & Murlach

The Seagull Oil Field is a high pressure, high-temperature oil field situated 300km east of offshore Aberdeen in the UK North Sea... Read more →